
2nd Quarter 2016

 In Newsletter
Working Towards Prevention Since 1993    2nd Quarter, 2016  
Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation
The Alzheimer’s Research & Prevention Foundation (ARPF) is dedicated to the prevention of Alzheimer’s disease by funding research studies and providing educational outreach and memory screenings.
On the Cover:
• President’s Message
Page 2:
• New Medical and Scientific
Advisory Council Member
• President Obama Signs
Older Americans Act
Page 3:
• SIMPLE Conference Invitation
• What Others Are Saying
Page 4:
• Community Outreach Update
• “What It’s Like”
Page 5:
• ARPF Research Update
Page 6-7:
• Donor List – Thank You!
Page 8:
• In Memoriam

Alzheimer's Research and Prevention Foundation
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Randal Brooks, MA, LPC
TREASURER Silvia Serrano, BA, MBA
Kirti K. Khalsa
Edward Steinfeldt, MA
Simran S. Stuelpnagel
Chief Science Officer
George Perry, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor, College of Sciences
University of Texas at San Antonio, TX
Ma Gloria Borras-Boneu, M.D.
GRD Health Institute – Barcelona, Spain
Hiroko H. Dodge, Ph.D.
Kevreson Research Professor of Neurology
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI
Oregon Health & Science University,
Portland, OR
Karen E. Innes, MSPH, Ph.D.
Western Virginia University School of Public Health – Morgantown, WV
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Boston, MA
Miia Kivipelto, M.D., Ph.D.
Aging Research Center and Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center Karolinska Institute – Stockholm, Sweden
Helen Lavretsky, M.D., M.S.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry UCLA Semel Institute and Resnick Neuropsychiatric Hospital – Los Angeles, CA
Arti Prasad, M.D., FACP
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine
Executive Director, UNM Center for Life Albuquerque, NM
Michelle Sierpina, Ph.D.
Founding Director
UTMB Osher Institute for Lifelong Learning University of Texas Medical Branch – Galveston, TX
“The 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention” is published
quarterly by the Alzheimer’s
Research & Prevention Foundation


President’s Message
An Update on Stress, Meditation and Alzheimer’s Prevention
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., Founding President/Medical DirectorI recently wrote a review article that was published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, entitled Stress, Meditation and Alzheimer’s Prevention: Where the Evidence Stands. This topic is near and dear to my heart, because I feel that the impact of stress on our brain health is so under-appreciated.

This review first provides a historical perspective of how chronic stress may be a risk factor for neurodegeneration, Subjective Cognitive Decline (SCD), Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), and Alzheimer’s disease (AD).

The article then proceeds to discuss a proven antidote for stress: an ancient practice that is now being studied scientifically. Meditation is over 5,000 years old, but is only in the early stages of scientific inquiry. What is known, however, is that yogic meditation improves brain function, increases cerebral blood flow, enhances mitochondrial function, improves the synapse, and increases the size of the cerebral cortex, hippocampus and other important areas in the brain.

Meditation may also help prevent Alzheimer’s disease by decreasing proven risk factors, such as sleep problems, inflammation, depression, high blood pressure, and diabetes. The article reviews basic types of meditation and highlights a simple, 12-minute, brainenhancement exercise known as Kirtan Kriya (KK). KK is safe, affordable, fast, and effective. It has been shown to improve memory in subjects with SCD and MCI, enhance mood, decrease anxiety, and improve genetic and cellular health; turning off bad genes that generate inflammation, and turning on good ones that balance immunity.

KK also increases an enzyme called telomerase by 43 percent, the largest increase ever recorded. Research suggests increased telomerase may foster better overall health and brain longevity. While other meditation approaches, such as mindfulness or MBSR are timeconsuming and perhaps expensive, KK is affordable (essentially free) and takes only 12 minutes a day.

The article also discusses a new concept, called Spiritual Fitness, the new 4th Pillar of Alzheimer’s Prevention, which is a combination of psychological well-being and spirituality. It has been shown in studies that Spiritual Fitness has a beneficial effect on the prevention of AD. Although this writing is directed to physicians and scientists, due to the very technical writing style, I feel this information is vitally important for the general public as well. In fact, one of my goals in writing it was to also have doctors and healthcare providers share this knowledge with their patients.

Take a look at the full article, available on our website. Also available on the website and through CDs, are the instructions for KK.

I would like to hear from you with questions or comments about this topic. Please feel free to email me at drdharma@alzheimersprevention.org.

Yours in Brain Health,
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Founding President/Medical Director

Introducing our Newest Medical and Scientific Advisory Council Member
Hiroko H. Dodge, Ph.D
Hiroko H. Dodge, Ph.DDr. Dodge has been directing two Alzheimer’s Disease Centers’ Data Cores jointly: the National Institute on Aging (NIA)-funded Layton Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease Center (ADC) at Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), and the Michigan ADC. She has more than 20 years of experience working as a statistician in the field of dementia research. In addition to her statistical expertise, her research interests cover a wide range of areas, including epidemiology of dementia; cross-cultural comparisons on healthy aging between Okinawa, Japan, and Oregon¡Xcollaborating with the Okinawa Centenarian Study project; application of demographic methods to clinical research; and longitudinal data analyses and clinical trial methods. She recently created a Professional Interest Area (PIA) entitled “Clinical Trials Advancements and Outcomes” in the International Society to Advance Alzheimer’s Research (ISTAART, an international AD research organization sponsored by the Alzheimer’s Association). This PIA creates an international researchers’ forum where innovative clinical trial approaches, developments of outcomes sensitive to trial effects, and unique non-pharmacological trials are being introduced and discussed. Her most recently completed NIA-funded Research Project Grant (R01) examined whether stimulations through social interactions using modern communication technologies (pc, webcams, and Internet) could improve cognitive functions. She holds Fellow status at the Gerontological Society of America, and serves as a statistical editor for several dementia-related journals.

President Obama Signs Older Americans Act
On April 7, 2016 the federal Older Americans Act (OAA) was unanimously passed by the Senate. The bill, passed the House of Representatives in March, 2016, was signed into law (Public Law 114-144) by President Obama on April 19, 2016.

The Older Americans Act was originally enacted in 1965. Since that time, it has provided funding for programs and services that help older Americans remain in their homes and communities longer. The OAA’s provisions for transportation services, nutrition programs such as Meals on Wheels, and support for family caregivers, are essential to the health and well-being of our nation’s elders.

We at the Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation applaud Congress for passing this bipartisan legislation and would like to extend a big congratulations to the aging organizations and advocates who dedicated their time and resources to seeing this bill through to final passage.

ARPF Invites You to the SIMPLE Conference & Retreat

The University of New Mexico (UNM) is organizing the
7th Biennial Symposium of Integrative Medicine
Professionals in the Land of Enchantment
(SIMPLE) July 11-14, 2016.

The 2016 SIMPLE program will host many distinguished and expert speakers who will provide like-minded learners with the latest original research and updates in the field of complementary and integrative medicine including physician wellness, self-care, nutrition, geriatrics and palliative care, herbs and botanicals, mind-body medicine, and so much more.

This Conference will feature speakers in the integrative medical field including Dr. Arti Prasad, Professor and Chief of General Medicine, Geriatrics, and Integrative Medicine, and the Founder and Executive Director of the UNM Center for Life, and ARPF President Dr. Dharma Singh Khalsa. This symposium is open to health care providers, patients and community members.

In addition to this wonderful educational opportunity, the conference schedule will allow mornings with your family and loved ones to experience the magical quality that Taos has to offer.

For additional information and to register, visit http://som.unm.edu/cme/2016/simple.html

What Others Are Saying About ARPF

Fraternal Order of Eagles Aerie 4299 supports ARPF with a check for $5,000

Community Outreach Update:
ARPF Work Well-Received at AiA Conference in Washington, D.C.
Laura J. Kokoska, RN, Presenting ARPF PosterOn March 20-24, 2016, I was honored and excited to present a poster on behalf of ARPF at the Annual Aging in America Conference, sponsored by the American Society on Aging, in Washington, D.C. The topic of the poster was yoga/meditation and Alzheimer’s prevention, and it was met with a great amount of interest.

Overall, it is rewarding to see the recognition of ARPF’s evidence-based research regarding Kirtan Kriya from the conference-goers, and that its practice is continuing to positively impact concerned individuals, caregivers, and the other professionals in training at this Conference.

I believe that ARPF’s research is giving individuals the encouragement to use this dynamic meditation process to achieve measurable medical outcomes in addressing cognitive impairment in aging.

Laura J. Kokoska, RN
Presenting ARPF Poster

What It’s Like — to Provide Customer Service for ARPF
by Marilyn Kaler
Marilyn Kayler, Customer ServiceI love that I am able to speak directly to many people by phone to answer questions about ARPF and our mission. Many people I’ve met by email also make fulfilling relationships networking about good brain health. They are satisfying connections. While not everyone is a “happy camper,” I am able to offer solutions and assistance and, in some cases, our regrets.

I receive inquiries through info@alzheimersprevention.org and by phone. I make outgoing calls (and emails) for outreach to individuals and organizations. We offer our brochures to educate and support a wide range of people across the U.S. and Canada.

The website, of course, offers items worldwide.

Holding a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work (BSW), I’ve served in skilled-care rehab centers and residential care¡Xincluding specialized residences for people with dementia. In business, I’ve performed Customer Service and worked as a Receptionist.

I recently attended a health fair representing ARPF, and I was so “jazzed’ to experience how excited one lady was to receive a puzzle as our raffle prize. Her joy was pouring out of her. She charged me with joy at her excitement. What a gift I received!

Please call upon me to assist you by phone or email. I look forward to hearing from you.

ARPF Research Update:
Yoga Research Sponsored by ARPF More Effective than Memory Training
A new study sponsored by your ARPF shows that a simple yogic meditation produced significant improvements
Yoga Research Sponsored by ARPF More Effective than Memory Trainingin memory function in baby boomers. This research was carried out by Helen Lavretsky, M.D., Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at UCLA and was just published in the prestigious Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease with the title “Changes in Neural Connectivity and Memory Following a Yoga Intervention for Older Adults: A Pilot Study.”

Because an average of 35 percent of community-dwelling adults experience some Subjective Cognitive Decline, the ARPF and Dr. Lavretsky decided to research an integrative medicine approach to impact this trend. A simple yoga-based meditation called Kirtan Kriya (KK), a non-traditional modality in the scientific-research arena, was chosen to test its value as a positive brain health prevention and/or healing option in regards to memory and cognition deterioration resulting from the aging process.

In one blind study (evaluators did not know who had what treatment), 81 people who were 55 or older were recruited to validate previous studies carried out by ARPF on KK, demonstrating that this yoga meditation would be helpful in the fight against dementia. A score of 0.5 on the Clinical Dementia Rating Scale ascertained that each individual chosen for the study already exhibited Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).

Helen Lavretsky, M.D. Presenting the Results of ARPF-Sponsored Research
Forty-two of the 81 participated in Memory Enhancement Training (MET), the gold-standard process used to prevent cognitive dysfunction. The remaining 39 participated in a one-hour-a-week session of Kundalini Yoga (KY) — yoga that focuses on breathing techniques and meditation. Secondly, each of the 39 had a daily assignment to practice KK at home.

During 12- and 24-week follow-ups, all 81 participants were evaluated on memory, verbal fluency, mood, and executive functioning. At the 12-week mark, results clearly indicated that both groups had significant improvement in both recall and visual memory. Verbal fluency was significant only in the MET group. The KK group showed measurable executive functioning improvement at 12 weeks.

At 24 weeks, both groups had significant and sustained memory improvement. However, only the KK group showed sustained improvement in executive functions. This group also presented marked decreased symptoms of depression, apathy, and emotional distress.

Ed Note: Your contributions have helped demonstrate, once again, that the regular practice of yoga, including KK meditation, is a safe and simple method for improving and sustaining improvement in brain fitness.

To obtain a copy of the study results, as published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, please email us at: info@alzheimersprevention.org.

MARCH 2016
to Our Generous Donors!
Donations Made
In Honor Of:

Robert DeCoteEfrain Gonzalez
Hector Garcia
William Lau

Maria P. Haney
Chad Bolin

Ruth Hargis
Robert Northey

Shirley Hart
David & Deborah Fiscus
James & Janet Parsons

Robert Gordon Hayes
Jeanne Hayes

Leon Keller
Helen Lamore

Carolyn Lucz
Dr. & Mrs. Dharma
Singh Khalsa

Sondra Ogurek
Stuart Feldman

Annello Pepe
Janice Spencer

Regina Shields
Ashley Stewart

Corporate Donors:

Mesa Motor Sports Products

United Health Group

Individual Donations
Many Anonymous Donors
Larry D. Ables
Gloria Achterberg
Rebecca Agan
Meryl Altabet
Madyson Aman
John Anderson
Jonathen Anderson
Keirrra L. Anderson
Lucas Christopher Angil
Kimm & Steve Applegate
Nancy Archie
Gary Arnold
Lynnette D. Baccus
Ibrahim Bah
Sharon Barger
Keith A. Bauer
Robert Bechel
Mark Bell
Richard E. Benson
Cindy Bentley
Yvonne N. Beooks
Bertha L. Beown
Melissa Bergman
Sevart Bernard
Bryce Bogart
Michael Boggs
Alan Bolataev
Tom Bonnet
Julianna M. Boor
Valerie Border
Carlos Borges
Courtney B. Boscoe
Dorina A. Botas
Rene R. Bourgeois
Aubrey Boyakin
Melissa Bradford
Noel D. Bradford
Edith Brown
I. Brown
Jonnie Brown
Margie Bunch
Miriam Burbach
John E. Butcher
Angela Calarco
Lody Jennifer T. Cariazowatts
Richard A. Carlson
Deena Carroll
Gerardo A. Castellanos
Richard Castro
Carol Cavanaugh
Steve Cavuto
Dee Dee S. Chavers
Debra A. Chebuhar
Jaime A. Cheman
Donald Chuck
Jennifer Ciaccio
Kenneth A. Clark
Janice Clemons-Armstrong
Neil P. Cochran
David E. Coffill
Scott R. Cohen
Heather Collupy
Barbara J. Contreras
Perry Cook Hunter
Medell Cooper
Anthony Corona
Linnea J. Coyne
John Craft
Annette Crain
Ansley Crawford
Eileen Culbreth
Joel Danner
Alex Daverede
Dylan Harper Dempster
Robert Denitzio, M.D.
Lynn W. Dennie
Stephanie L. Denny
Anne Determan
Donna Devine
Mark Dickey
Kelly Didriksen
Penny Doll
Michael R. Dombrowski
Dennis Donovan
Cynthia L. Doughty
Kim K. Douglas
Myles B. Drake
Debbie Dunbar
Kyle Duncan
William F. Dunn
Mary M. Eary
Douglas B. Eddy
Myra C. Edwards
Haley Ehlinger
Kianmehr Ehtiatkar
Douglas E. Erway
Ricardo Escamilla
Kylor R. Eutsler
James Fargo
Gretchen S. Fau
Roland S. Feghali
Judith Feiner
Francisc Femenia
Mark Fielding
Mark S. Filipek
Michael G. Foecking
Harry F. Francis
Jaime A. Freitas, Jr.
Melanie Galloway
Sylvia J. Gantt
Stephanie Garner
Tara Garner
Richard Garrison
Andrea K. Gentry
Teresa Gerlitz
Stephen Gibbons
Kathlena Gibson
Sandra K. Gill
David Goetz
William Golden
Michelle Goldwater
Rosalia Gonzales
Kenneth E. Goodling
Timothy A. Gosnell
Gretelf Graf
Ivana Grakalic
Dragoslav Grbovic
Ruta Green
Frances Greiman
Tiffany N. Griffin
Joan Grona
Alice Gumbs
Craig S Hall
Roger L. Hanlon
Dianne Harrison
Wendell D. Harrison
Sema D. Hashemi
John Hatfield
Amdrea J. Hawk
Kristia Hayes
Kathleen Healy
Matt Helser
Walter C. Herin, Jr.
Jennifer Herrmann
Edna Mary Hicks
Kevin A. Hidalgo
Orin R. Hilmo
Judith L. Hines
Yolanda Moniqu Hines
Tracy Ann Hockman
Andrew Thomas Holba
Harriette Holland
Cynthia Hoof
Linda Hope
Sarah Hopkins
Michelle I. Howerton
Timothy R. Huizenga
Valerie Jackson
Mary Fatehbir K. Jacobson
Oharra James
Robert J. Jobst, Jr.
Carol Johnson
Danielle Johnson
Gregg Johnson
Peter Johnson
Terryl Johnson
Katherine Johnston
Kurt M. Johnston
Frank C. Jones
Gary Jones
Jacqueline Jones
Crystal Kehoss
Carol Keiman
Katherine J. Kerchner
Brenda Kissinger
Susan Klein
Danielle Kneita
Ted Knowles
Bayard Koch
Kenneth Kochevar
Kristen M. Kopczynski
John Krebs
William J. Kuhn, III
Marjorie Kulak
Suzanne S. Kumashiro
Barry D. Lehr
Melvin K. Lentz
Hailing Liu
David Lloyd
Jayne Lobert
Silvia Lom-Ajan
Eggen Loren
Debra Lovoy
Gary W. Lowe
Michelle S. Lowesolis
Linda D. Luczak
Lonnie B. Lynk
Sierra T. Mack
Amy M. Mackey
Michael D. Malarkey
Sherry Maloney
Carolyn Mariano
Carmen Marquez
Larry Martin
Jessica L. Martinez
Marcia R. Mathews
Rose Marie Mattis
Dallas Maupin
Joseph J. May
Deborah A. Maynard
Sandi McCabe
Tammisha McCoy
Sue-Del McCulloch
Carol McDonald
Michael J. McGuirl
Frank McNally
Tamara J. Metcalf
Michael A. Michaels
Sam & Barb Midkiff
Adam J. Milewski
Catherine A. Miller
Elizabeth Miller
Norman Miller
Andrew C. Mintier
Johnny Mixon
Rebecca Moak
Itay Moav
Allison Monroe
Irene M. Monteilh
Kelly S. Morgan
Elizabeth A. Morin
Brenda Morris
Kelly J. Morrison
Lynn M. Mullen
Michael Nance
Jessica Neff
Makayla T. Ngoun
Patrick K. Nicholson
Janice Noble
Cheryl Nobrega
James Norton
Ryan E. Ocampo
Todd W. Ochsendorf
William R. O’Donnell
Joyleen R. Okamoto
Kevin Omalley
Linda Orkin
Donald Orrico
Antoinette Ortiz
Jessie Ownbey
B. Ox
Maxx E. Palmer, II
Bianca Pardo
James R. Paterson
Armand Pellerin
Denneen L. Peterson
Loretta Phillips
Elena Pietron
Frances Pinckney
Joy Pochatila
Aaron Pondrom
Robert K. Pope
Pamela S. Porsch
Edward Pratt
Cindy & Pat Quinn
Rosemary E. Rankin
Marie Y. Regelski
Mike Reno
Sarah Revers
Rosella Richardson
Robert Ridgeway
Kimberly Jo Riggle
Joseph M. Robbins
Tyra D. Roberts
Jackie Roller
Jennifer Ross
Russell Roth
Dylan Scott R. Sablad
Eli Salahuddin
Alexis Rachel Samloff
Catherine J. Sanders
James P. Sauers, Jr.
Joshua Stephen Saunders
Erin S. Saynuk
Donald Scerini
Jean M. Schaid
Donna Schlicting
Lisa Schmidt
Diane M. Schmit
Zachary J. Schneider
Sharon Schoeppel
Kimberly Schrag
Francis A. Scott
Donald Scull
John Selewski
Margaret Sessions
Danielle Shepard
Michael S. Simic
David Simon
Sean E. Sindler
Luque Slaughter, Jr.
Christie P. Smith
Jan L. Smith
Linnea Smith
Victoria Lee Smith
William Smith
Suzan Snook
Darci Southworth
Steven Stafford
James G. Stevens
Chelsea Stockton
Sylvia Streitberger
Ananthram Swami
Teisha Sykes-Deel
David B. Tabler
Steven L. Taylor
Christopher M. Thackaberry
Timothy Thimmig
Karen Thompson
Wendy Thurston
Kevin Tingley
Toni Todd
Marc Torsien
Robert Trimmer
Sarah Trobaugh
Dorothy Truman
Linda W. Tuttle
Annamarie Ugoletti
Kasey L. Vail
Nicole M. Valdez
Marilyn Vasques
Scavo Victor
Gary K. Vinovich
Steven Walker
David Wassink
Kadee Waterbury
Quenton D. Watson
Daniel L. Weekley
Eugene Weinreis
Patrick C. Weld
Kenneth Wenzel, III
Danica Ann Wheelock
Janice Whitcomb
Katharine Wiles
Nicole Williams
Kim Willment
Lashonda Wires
Anita Witthaus
John Wyland
John Yalch
Marc E. Yardley
Christine Yates
Frances York
Albert Zara
Lisette Zeeuw
Melinda Zeimantz
Mary Ann Zelinsky
The ARPF is a proud participant in the following workplace campaigns:
Aetna Foundation
AmazonSmile Foundation
American Express
Bank of America
British Telecom
Century Link
Duke Energy Foundation
General Mills
Just Give
Liberty Insurance
Lockheed Martin
National Instruments Corp.
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Roll Giving
United Health
United Way
Wells Fargo
Are You Required to Take a Minimum IRA Distribution, But Don't Want the Tax Increase? You can EASILY DONATE IT to ARPF! Ask us HOW at Randy_at_alzheimersprevention.org

DOUBLE YOUR DONATION! Many employers match their employee donations. Check the complete list of Corporate Matches at http://alzheimersprevention.org/donate (scroll to the bottom of the page, to the Corporate Match box)

ARPF Legacy Society

In Memoriam: Carolyn Ann Lucz 1936-2016
Carolyn Ann Lucz 1936-2016
The ARPF mourns the passing of longtime Board member, Carolyn Ann Lucz, who served from 2002 until 2015. An innovator, supporter, friend, mother, grandmother and great grandmother. We are grateful for her generous spirit and will miss her greatly. Our heartfelt condolences to her family.

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