President’s Message: Our Legacy Marches Forward

It’s that time of year again. Can you believe it? Time is flying by. Reminds me of the beautifully poignant and slightly haunting Judy Collins song from the late 60s, Who Knows Where The Time [...]


Donor Spotlight: Judy Romano, MD, RYT, BLS

We are deeply grateful to Judy Romano, MD, RYT, BLS for her year-end contribution to ARPF. Dr. Romano explained, “As we navigate the holiday season we are often asked to donate to many [...]


Volunteer Spotlight: Sara Kugelmass

Volunteers play a significant role in the ongoing success of ARPF. Their expertise and devotion help us on a wide array of projects. Our team at ARPF couldn’t be more thankful for the [...]


Thank You to Our Donors: November

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the [...]