Just Announced: Join Larry Griner for Lunch

Here’s another reason to attend the 30 Years of Alzheimer’s Prevention Conference. You get to participate in roundtable discussions at the Lunch with the Expert. Grab your lunch and sit [...]


Why Yoga Therapists are Attending the Alzheimer’s Prevention Conference

I’d like to introduce you to ARPF’s friend, Amy DiLillo, C-IAYT, E-RYT 500, BLS. She is a yoga therapist and serves on the Educational Advisory Committee for ARPF. Amy will be [...]


Thank You to Our Donors: August

A special commemoration for donations made in Memory and in Honor. Your ARPF is humbled to help remember your loved ones.   Thank you to the many anonymous donors whose support has been the [...]


Spiritual Fitness & The Power of Enlightenment

What is enlightenment? Spiritually, enlightenment is synonymous with self-realization and living in touch with your true and best self. This is one of the topics that will be discussed at [...]