1st Quarter 2016
By alzheimers
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1st Quarter 20162016-03-022017-01-22https://alzheimersprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/arpf_2c_horiz.jpgAlzheimer's Research & Prevention Foundationhttps://alzheimersprevention.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/arpf_2c_horiz.jpg200px200px

Working Towards Prevention Since 1993
1st Quarter 2016
Alzheimer’s Prevention
Volume 16, Issue 1
President’s Message
our mission
Report from the MCI Symposium
The Alzheimer’s
In mid-January, your ARPF participated in the Mild Cognitive
Impairment (MCI) Symposium, a form of early memory
Research & Prevention
loss that may progress to Alzheimer’s. The conference was
Foundation (ARPF)
presented by the Mount Sinai Medical Center of Miami Beach,
Florida. We were very welcomed there and shared our work
is dedicated to the
by having a booth and meeting and discussing with other
prevention of Alzheimer’s
key researchers in the field. In addition, one of our Scientific
Advisory Members from the renowned
disease by funding
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Karolinska Institute in Sweden and
Founding President/
research studies and
Medical Director
recipient of our research grants, Miia
Kivipelto, M.D., Ph.D., gave a very
providing educational
important presentation on her work, called The FINGER
outreach and memory
Study. She revealed that lifestyle modifications, such as those
discussed in our 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention, definitely
act to reduce many risk factors for the development of
Alzheimer’s disease and improve your memory.
Miia Kivipelto, M.D., Ph.D.
Main Researcher of the
What’s the most important thing I learned at this conference?
On the Cover:
It’s that memory loss is not a normal part of aging, any more
• President’s Message
than chest pain. There are many actions you can take to stave off the dreaded
Alzheimer’s. I feel this is encouraging because, although the medical community
Page 2:
doesn’t have all the answers yet, we are working very hard to make strides to
• New Medical and Scientific
understand the various aspects of Alzheimer’s and dementia. You can count on
Advisory Council Member
your ARPF to continue championing the lifestyle-based research at these type of
Page 3:
There are two tracks working to prevent Alzheimer’s. One school of thought is
• Outreach Schedule
drug-oriented. As you know, there are millions of dollars being spent researching
• What Others Are Saying
the magic-bullet drug that will stop, reverse and possibly prevent Alzheimer’s. But
recently, the Alzheimer’s Association journal stated that, so far, drugs have been a
Page 4:
failure. The other school of thought is about lifestyle, as presented by Dr. Kivipelto
• Community Outreach
and championed by ARPF. What’s even more new and exciting is that the 4 Pillars
of Prevention can help people who have the Alzheimer’s gene, as shown by this
• “What It’s Like”
innovative research you are supporting. Yes, you read correctly and we will have
more scientific results to share in an upcoming issue of this newsletter, as soon as
Page 5:
all the data analysis is complete.
• ARPF Research Update
This totally reinforces the work you’ve been supporting and believe in. The 4 Pillars of
Page 6-7:
Alzheimer’s Prevention: diet, stress management including Kirtan Kriya exercise and
• Donor List – Thank You!
yoga, physical and mental exercise, and developing spiritual fitness enhance memory
and reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Page 8:
• Make a Difference!
I’m sure you share in the excitement of the progress we are making together, and
thank you for your continued and generous support.
Yours in Brain Health,
Founding President/Medical Director
© 2016 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation

Working Towards Prevention Since 1993
Introducing our Newest Medical and Scientific
Advisory Member
Arti Prasad. M.D., FACP
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D.
Arti Prasad MD, FACP, a Professor of Internal
Randal Brooks, MA, LPC
Medicine, holds many important roles at the
BOARD TREASURER – Kirti K. Khalsa (interim)
University of New Mexico (UNM). She is the
Division Chief of General Internal Medicine,
BOARD MEMBER – Edward Steinfeldt, MA
Geriatrics, and Integrative Medicine (GIGIM),
Simran S. Stuelpnagel
and the UNM Center for Life’s founding
Executive Director. Dr. Prasad is involved in
faculty development, community outreach,
CME at the UNM School of Medicine and
Chief Science Officer
teaches in different phases of medical
George Perry, Ph.D.
Dean and Professor, College of Sciences
education. She gives lectures, seminars,
University of Texas at San Antonio
Arti Prasad. M.D., FACP
invited talks, and Grand Rounds. She
Scientific Advisory
Council Member
organizes and Chairs the Biennial Symposium
Ma Gloria Borras-Boneu, M.D.
of Integrative Medical Professionals in the
GRD Health Institute – Barcelona, Spain
Land of Enchantment (SIMPLE). Dr. Prasad, an excellent physician and
Hiroko Dodge, Ph.D.
Kevreson Research Professor of Neurology
educator, has also been involved in clinical trials, mentoring medical
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
students in research projects related to primary care and integrative
Oregon Health & Science University
medicine, and writing research proposals. Dr. Prasad has received grant
Karen E. Innes, MSPH, Ph.D.
support every year from 2010-2014 to develop and support an Integrative
Western Virginia University School of Public
Health – Morgantown, WV
Medicine Track in the Internal Medicine Residency program at UNM. The
track is the first program of its kind in the nation.
Sat Bir Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Under her able leadership, UNM School of Medicine became one of the
Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Boston, MA
earlier members of the Academic Consortium of Integrative Medicine
Miia Kivipelto, M.D., Ph.D.
and Health. Dr. Prasad was nominated and selected in 2015 as one of
Aging Research Center and Alzheimer’s
the founding board members to the new American Board of Integrative
Disease Research Center
Karolinska Institute – Stockholm, Sweden
Medicine (ABOIM).
Helen Lavretsky, M.D., M.S.
Professor, Department of Psychiatry
Dr. Prasad has received high recognition by her peers during her medical
UCLA Semel Institute and Resnick
career such as the Sage 20 Women Making a Difference Award, winner
Neuropsychiatric Hospital – Los Angeles, CA
of UNM’s Paul Bartlett’s Peace Prize, and UNM’S Sara Belle Brown
Arti Prasad, M.D., FACP
faculty award in community service. She has been selected as a national
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Division of General Internal Medicine
delegate from NM for Vision 2020 – Women in Leadership program at
Executive Director, UNM Center for Life
Drexel University, and voted by her peers as one of the Top 100 docs of
Albuquerque, NM
Albuquerque for several years in a row,
Michelle Sierpina, Ph.D.
Founding Director
The most important and fulfilling aspect of Dr. Prasad’s career is providing
UTMB Osher Institute for Lifelong Learning
University of Texas Medical Branch
patient-centered and compassionate care to her patients; creating and
Galveston, TX
expanding new programs; fund-raising; and mentoring and coaching her
faculty, colleagues, staff, residents, and students.
“The 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention”
is published quarterly by the Alzheimer’s
Research & Prevention Foundation.

1st Quarter 2016
Community Outreach Schedule
MARCH 12-13, 2016
APRIL 30-MAY 1, 2016
JULY 11-14, 2016
Memory Screening Day and exhibit
ARPF’s research partners are presenting
Presentation and exhibit booth at
booth at the Tucson Festival of Books
at the 1st UCLA Conference on Integrative
the Symposium of Integrative
Medicine and Mental Health
Medicine Professionals in the Land of
Tucson, AZ
Enchantment (SIMPLE) Conference
Los Angeles, CA
MARCH 14-20, 2016
Taos, NM
MAY 17-20, 2016
Brain Awareness Week
Presentation and exhibit booth at the
JULY 24-28, 2016
Integrative Medicine & Health Conference
MARCH 20-24, 2016
Presentation and exhibit booth at the
Alzheimer’s Association International
Poster presentation at the American
Las Vegas, NV
Society on Aging Annual Meeting
Toronto, Canada
Washington, DC
JUNE 6-9, 2016
Exhibit booth at the Symposium on
APRIL 29-30, 2016
Yoga Therapy and Research
Memory screenings and presentation at
Reston, VA
the Ability 360 Health & Wellness Fair
Phoenix, AZ
What Others Are Saying About ARPF
The Joyful Noise Fellowship has been together since 1987! Each week we donate to a charity
that is the most accountable, transparent, and financially sound. Our group chooses to donate
to ARPF because we appreciate that you take a holistic approach to preventing memory loss and
Alzheimer’s. Plus, you do so efficiently with low administrative and fundraising expenses.
On a personal note, both my mother and grandmother passed after a 5-year struggle with Alzheimer’s.
I love the idea of preventing it before it even starts. I know that these techniques are important,
especially for those of us with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease.
Jana Warren
Joyful Noise Fellowship in Piqua, OH
that is the most accountable, transparent, and financially sound. Our group chooses to donate
to ARPF because we appreciate that you take a holistic approach to preventing memory loss and
Alzheimer’s. Plus, you do so efficiently with low administrative and fundraising expenses.
On a personal note, both my mother and grandmother passed after a 5-year struggle with Alzheimer’s.
I love the idea of preventing it before it even starts. I know that these techniques are important,
especially for those of us with a family history of Alzheimer’s disease.
Jana Warren
Joyful Noise Fellowship in Piqua, OH
PHONE 1-888-908-5766
EMAIL info@AlzheimersPrevention.org
Page 3
© 2016 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation

Working Towards Prevention Since 1993
Community Outreach Update:
Tucson Estates Health Fair
On January 20, we exhibited at the Tucson Estates Health Fair in Tucson,
AZ. Tucson Estates (a 55+ retirement community) serves its health-
conscious residents by sponsoring this annual health fair. Residents get to
spend the day learning about different health initiatives available to them in
the local community. Eileen Pattarozzi and Valerie Powors from the ARPF
team managed the exhibit booth, handing out brochures and answering
questions from the attendees. Eileen loved the event, mentioning that her
favorite part was spending time with people in this age group, sharing
stories and answering questions about our research.
Eileen Pattarozzi, ARPF Staff
As a fun offering, the ARPF ran a raffle to give away two 3,000-piece
Helping visitors at the ARPF table
jigsaw puzzles. David Stumps, one of the winners, was very excited to
use the puzzle to practice Brain Aerobics at home. Along with the puzzles,
all materials presented by the ARPF were well received, and everyone
was interested to hear about the 4 Pillars of Alzheimer’s Prevention. In
fact, Tucson Estates was so happy with the ARPF’s information, that they
requested we send brochures for them to include in the welcome packets
for new community members.
David Stumps
Jigsaw Puzzle Winner
What It’s Like to Fulfill Orders for ARPF
by Austin Chambers
As the fulfillment manager, I handle all shipping and orders for ARPF. A
typical day starts with me checking what orders have been received since
the last shipment date. I review each order and enter all of the data into
an excel file, so I can easily track them. From there I collect materials to
fulfill each order and sort them. Finally, I package everything and calculate
postage so I can head off to the post office to send the orders out.
This is a part time job for me, as I am a college student working toward
my Psychology degree. I enjoy the work because I get to see all of the
different groups that ARPF interacts with. I am interested in continuing my
education in a research field, and am inspired by the research initiatives
of ARPF.
Next time you place an order, there’s a good chance I’ve packed it up for

1st Quarter 2016
ARPF Research Update:
Strategic Memory for Alzheimer’s Rehabilitation Training (SMART):
Fruitful Partnership with ARPF
by John DenBoer, Ph.D.
If you are currently involved in the aging community, or know somebody
in the latter stages of their life, you have probably heard the term “use
it or lose it.” This is generally taken to mean that you have to keep your
brain active in the latter stages of your life in an effort to avoid problems
with thinking, or dementia.
But how exactly do you do this?
Unfortunately, many seniors have been advised that by simply keeping
their mind active they keep their brain sharp enough to avoid dementia.
Dr. John DenBoer, Ph.D.
This may not be correct.
Founder and Chief Medical Officer,
SMART Aging, Inc.
It is not enough to simply keep your mind active: older people must keep
their brains active by engaging in new and novel exercises. Essentially,
these are cognitive activities that one has never seen before, or has rarely encountered. The Strategic Memory
for Alzheimer’s Rehabilitation Training (SMART) Program has had a great deal of positive results, and has been
effective in stemming the cognitive and functional decline associated with dementia.
ARPF has graciously partnered with Dr. DenBoer and
SMART Aging, Inc., to offer the SMART program to 200
SMART IS a cognitive rehabilitation program
individuals across 6 Assisted Living/Independent Living
designed to improve brain function in elderly
facilities in the East Valley area of Phoenix, Arizona
individuals who may have early memory loss,
(ranging from Fountain Hills to Mesa).
including Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).
Approximate Course of Dementia
The results of this mental training have been extremely
positive, as the combination of the SMART program and
• 12-week program, 3 versions
• 3 hours of patient activity per week
• Highly structured program
• Customized via the results of
neuropsychological testing
• Designed to increase neural connections via:
– New (novel) learning exercises
– Structured program
• Adherence and compliance of the program
is increased via the use of a caregiver
Kirtan Kriya (KK) method has allowed participants (many
of which who have early stage dementia) to improve their
cognition while they are on the program. In addition to the above study, ARPF has partnered with SMART Aging,
Inc., to offer the SMART Program and Kirtan Kriya meditation methodology to over 150 residents at Phoenix’s
Church of the Beatitudes. Church of the Beatitudes is a nationally-recognized living center for the care of
dementia, being featured in the NY Times approximately 4 years ago. Dr. DenBoer is looking forward to bringing
the SMART program and KK method to this nationally recognized center. We will be updating you on these
pages as the study progresses.
PHONE 1-888-908-5766
EMAIL info@AlzheimersPrevention.org
Page 5
© 2016 Alzheimer’s Research and Prevention Foundation

Working Towards Prevention Since 1993
Dorothy Lambrecht
Individual Donations
Mark C. Clark
Dalila Guerrero
Donations Made
Steven Lambrecht
Felicia Coen
Sue Gunderson
In Honor Of:
Many Anonymous Donors
Savitra Collins
Loannis A. Hadjipanteli
Susan Abbate
Horace P. Abbott
Larry Wright and
Ann E. Colt
Vern and Debra Hall
Rebecca Abbott
Olga Lange
Rebecca Agan
Gretchen M. Compton
Timothy J. Hamois
Lisa Lange
Kimm and Steve
Robert Bowers
Thomas Conner
Susan D. Hansen
Tina Bowers
Michal V. Elliot
Peter Ausili
Linda J. Corey
Michelle T. Hardy
Michelle Martin
Aaron Bacon
John Crow
Antonette M. Hayes
Lois Deering
Danielle Burgess
James E. Collett
Maria Balaz
Judy Darnell
Fran Hershkowitz
Margaret M. Renn
Tomas Balino Rios
Janice C. Davis – Wilson
Sonia J. Hobbs
Wiley E. Carr, Jr.
Patricia G. Barbely
Jennifer Daws
Glenda B. Holmes
Gloria Carr
Sarah Schumer
Gini Barrett
Kay Dellinger
Lucius Holmes, Jr.
Jane Stelboum
My mom.
Elizabeth Bartholomew
Catharine DeLong
Louis Holtzman
I love you always.
Linwood A. Kulp, Sr.,
Robert Denitzio
Wilba Hussey
Fontella Bateman
Gudrun Kasperek
and Paul J. Moser
Mark Bell
Nancy E. Devanna
Stephen V. Jackson Jr.
David and Donna Zempel
Patricia H. Bell
Monique Devay
Senae A. Jackson-Handy
Susan Grammar’s
Carole Bellew
Frederick R. Diehlmann,
Susan James
Corporate Donors:
Rosslyn King
Gertrude Belt
Diane Johnson
American Express
Amy Dilts
Cindy Bentley
Heather R. Johnson
The Burns Family
Edward M. Dinco
Jean C. Johnson
Maria McKenna
Aetna Foundation
Jennifer M. Biber
Warren A. Doersam
Kimberly A. Johnson
Ella C. Biggerstaff
The Deacon Family
Canadian Mental
Debra Dollins
Gregory S. Bird
Jeanette M. Johnson-
Dawn Tully
Health Association
Vanessa Dominguez
Michelle Black
Simone Dougan
Vicki L. Johnston
Charles “Bud”
Futura Fisheries, Inc.
Karen R. Bolton
Ruth Y. Drummond
Pam Jones-McCoard
Timothy Boncoskey
Margaret Westcamp
Give with Liberty
Doris and Dani Duniho
Marilyn J. Kaler
Linda B. Borenstein
Mary M. Eary
Harman Kandola
The Chocolate Factory
Courtney B. Boscoe
In Memory Of:
James Edwards
Carolyn Kasenter
Robyn J. Brayton
United Health Group
Karah English
Luke Kelly
Annmarie Irwin and
James Bridgers, Jr.
Dana Evans
Susan C. Kelly
Grant Dressler
Randal Brooks
Deborah Evans
Christine Kerr
In-Kind Donors:
Gary Brown
Kathryn A. Evans
Kovi Kessler
Puzzles to Remember
Jeanette T. Brown
Lillian Richter
Gina Femali
Dharma and Kirti Khalsa
Michele Danevich
Josef B. Brown
Eileen Pattarozzi
Brian and Kristan
Sat Kirpal Khalsa
Jovern Brown
Addie Tate
Caitlin King Khoury
Phyllis Brown
Alice (Allie) Daniels
Jason M. Fisher
Sandra King
Lisa Browning
Julia Fitzgerald
Nancy Klooz
Robert Gordon Hayes
William Buckley
William R. Fletcher
Darlene Abbott
Jeanne Hayes
Karen Buechner
Deborah D. Floyd
Kristin Burks
Barney Payton
Joella Foster
Judith Krohn
Monica Y. Butler
Tracy Johnson
Marcella E. Franczkowski
Marjorie Kulak
Robert E. Callahan
Robert Franklin
Frank and Ellen Labelle
Robert Campbell
Terri L. Frenkel
Susan Lagasse
Anita Cannon
Kathlena Gibson
Michelle Laws
Kay Carlson
Sandra K. Gill
Cereta A. Lee
Lynn Carter
Glen Gordon
Lawrence Mark Levin
Dorothy Caudill
Sandra M. Gordon-Salant
Beth Levine
Alexia Cavigila
Sheila Grebel-Kertz
Hal and Ivy Lewis
Ravyn N. Chambers
Julianne Grimm
Steve Lewis
Patricia A. Chappell
Sandy Gross
Steven Lieberman
Gail Chimel

1st Quarter 2016
to Our Generous Donors!
Congetta M. Lind
Dolores M. Muse
Rachel Robles
Sarah Tarleton
The ARPF is a
Jennifer Lingo
Betsy Nahum-Miller
Jackie Roller
David Taylor
proud participant
Kristi J. Lisbon
Christopher J. Napolillo
Charlotte Ramero
Ben Timian
in the following
Evelyn D. Little
Melissa J. Nething
Darlene A. Sadowski
Hugh Tom
workplace campaigns:
Ashley L. Lohr
Helen A. Nitkoski
Jean M. Schaid
Paula Towne
Silvia Lom-Ajan
Janice Noble
Karen Schifman
Sarah Trobaugh
Lachele A. Love
Cheryl Okazaki
Donnia Schmidt
Matthew K. Troutman
Aetna Foundation
Richard L. Lucas
Damien D. Oliver
Carolyn Sechler, CPA
Neal P. Tucker
AmazonSmile Foundation
American Express
Shawntrise Lyons
Laura Olsen
Genevieve G. Segura
Nicole M. Valdez
Stephen Lyons
Joan Olson
Frances S. Seigel
Suzanne Van Dam
Susan MacDade
Butterfli O’Shea
Tryn Rose Seley
A.J. VanDenBlink
Bank of America
Deborah Madrigal
Oleh Palyvoda
Bridget Senecal
Janice Vick
British Telecom
Donna Martellotto –
Leroy Parker
Bryan K. Shaw
Rosalind Virshup
Nadine B. Parnell
Fran Siegel
Courtney Wade
Michelle M. Martin
Diane S. Pawlowicz
Don Siimons
David D. Walls
Milorad Matejich
Ginger F. Perry
Deborah Silberman
Jerri Elaine Watson
Alex Mayer
Richard R. Phlegar
Mischelle A. Simmons
Debra Weisenstein
Duke Energy Foundation
Helena M. McCargo
Sharon C. Pilachowski
Dawn Smith
Alan Richard Singh Weiss
General Mills
Thelma T. McClellan
Pamela Platel
Margaret M. Smith
Sue-Del McCulloch
Jean L. Powers
Paul A. Smith
Robert Whitcomb
Just Give
Joe McGillian
Darrick A. Proctor
Catherine Somerville
Denise White
Cheryl A. McKenzie
Karla Wiedel
Liberty Insurance
Ernestine Purdy
Darci Southworth
Theresa McNulty
Edmonia R. Wiley
Lockheed Martin
Dean and Dodi Railey
Betty E. Spengler
Jean Merzon
Eddy L. Ramirez
David Starr
Denise A. Williams
Michele Mills
Antoine A. Randall
Edward Steinfeldt
Jill Willits
Wayne and Cindy Mincey
Joy Reddy
Ken Stern
Fiona Wilson
National Instruments Corp.
Thelma Monical
Renee S. Reid
Leonidas Stratakos
Leslie Wilson
Pacific Gas & Electric Co.
Allison Monroe
Kathleen L. Wollam
Roll Giving
Carol A. Reyes
Shamette D. Streat
Kelly S. Morgan
John Yantus
United Health
Tracey Reynolds
Simran Stuelpnagel
Sandy Morgan
A. Riccitelli
Kathryn Symank
Maria Zanfini
United Way
William M. Morgante
Patricia Rinaker
Donald Tansil
Maria T. Yanez
Edith Moser
Joseph M. Robbins
David P. Tapscott
Melinda Zeimantz
Wells Fargo
Gary R. Moulton
Gold Level ($100,000 – $499,999)
Remember Us in Your Will
Mrs. Ethel A. Hoff
If you would like to receive information on how
Dr. and Mrs. Dharma Singh Khalsa
you can leave a legacy to support the Alzheimer’s
Bronze Level (Up to $50,000)
Research and Prevention Foundation’s critical
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Brooks
research initiatives, or to support one of our many
Edward T. Haats
other programs, please contact ARPF’s Vice President
Mrs. Marjorie Olmstead
Randy Brooks at 520-749-8374 or
Shaol and Evelyn Pozez
Endowment Fund
PHONE 1-888-908-5766
EMAIL info@AlzheimersPrevention.org
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